welcome to skeena midwives
From early pregnancy counselling and routine prenatal care, to birthing and postpartum care, we are here for you on Gitxsan territory.
Visits: In your home, at the Wrinch clinic, or at health centres.
Before Baby
every 4-6 weeks until 28 weeks
every 2-3 weeks until 36 weeks
every week until birth
After Baby
3 home visits in baby’s first week
every 2 weeks until baby is 6 weeks old
Labour and Birth
Your midwife will stay with you once you are in active labour until a few hours after your baby is born.
After baby is born (postpartum): Home and clinic visits to care for you and your baby until 6 weeks after the birth.
If you have any complications in your pregnancy, we will speak with another care provider who can help with the complication.